Strep throat in Kids: All you need to know

Strep throat, a bacterial infection primarily affecting children aged 5 to 15, stems from the Streptococcus bacteria and spreads easily through contact with infected saliva or nasal secretions. In this blog post, let us learn about the symptoms of strep throat, treatment and how we can protect our children from this bacterial infection.

Symptoms of Strep Throat

Common symptoms in kids encompass:

  • Sore throat
  • Fever
  • Swollen lymph nodes
  • Difficulty swallowing
  • Presence of red or white spots on the tonsils or back of the throat

Protect your children & other kids around them

Step throat can easily spread from one child to another, so it is important to teach your children good hygiene.

  • Always ask your children to cover their nose & mouth while sneezing or coughing.
  • Teach them to wash their hands with soap & water at least for 20 seconds.


If your child displays these symptoms, seeking prompt medical attention from our pediatrician is crucial for accurate diagnosis and treatment.

Typically, treatment for strep throat involves a prescribed course of antibiotics designed to eradicate infection-causing bacteria. It’s imperative for children to complete the entire antibiotic regimen, even if symptoms improve before completion, to ensure complete elimination of the bacteria and minimize the risk of complications.

Complementary to antibiotic treatment, several home remedies can enhance your child’s comfort during strep throat recovery. Encouraging ample rest, adequate fluid intake, and the consumption of soft, soothing foods like soup can contribute to a smoother recuperation process.

Timely Intervention

Timely medical intervention should be a priority if you recognize strep throat symptoms in your child. At New Apollo Polyclinic we offer comprehensive pediatric care. Our experienced specialist pediatrician is dedicated to ensuring your child receives the necessary care for a swift and complete recovery.

Our expert specialist pediatrician Dr. Alluramma Anappu Reddy can help you with the right healthcare for your baby. Her core expertise lies in treatment of common and seasonal infectious diseases, routine comprehensive immunization, preschool health check-up, management of common pediatrics & newborn disorders as well as evaluation for learning disabilities including ADHD, hyperactivity, and dyslexia. She believes that every child is unique, therefore she likes to carve out a personalized treatment plan based on their needs.

Contact us today to schedule a consultation and prioritize your child’s health and well-being.



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